Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Where can I buy Zovirax without prescription?
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Acyclovir belongs to a class of drugs known as antivirals.
It is often used to treat herpes simplex viruses and block the replication of the Epstein Barr virus in affected people.
According to experts, antivirals such as acyclovir are of no benefit in uncomplicated infectious mononucleosis.
In clinical studies conducted by the Department of Infectious Diseases at Regional Hospital in Varese, Italy, acyclovir inhibited viral shedding.
In an analysis of five trials involving 339 patients, Zovirax use resulted in less viral shedding at the end of therapy, however, this antiviral did not offer consistent or significant benefit.
In general, antivirals for mononucleosis are not recommended for routine use.
Original uses (on-label)
Treatment and prevention of mucosal and skin
herpes simplex infections, treats herpes simplex encephalitis, herpes zoster,
genital herpes, varicella-zoster infections in healthy non-pregnant persons older than 13 years of age, and children older than 12 months old who have a chronic skin or lung disorder or are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and are immunocompromised.
Newly discovered uses (off-label)
Complicated mononucleosis/Epstein-Barr, outer retinal necrosis.
Potential side effects
Lightheadedness, headache, nausea/vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, malaise, mild pain/burning (topical).
- If you're buying Zovirax, you should use it with caution if pre-existing kidney disease is present or if the drug is taken with other drugs, which can potentially harm the kidneys.
- This drug is not a cure for genital herpes and it is not known if this drug could prevent transfer of the virus. Avoid contact with lesions.
- Begin therapy within 72 hours of onset of symptoms for shingles (herpes zoster). Treatment is most effective when started within 48 hours after onset of rash.
- Severe kidney failure has occurred with this drug.
- Photosensitivity (skin reaction related to sun exposure) has occurred with this drug. Wear sunscreen and wear protective clothing to minimize exposure to sunlight.
Drug interactions
Zidovudine, probenecid, valproic acid, phenytoin, theophylline.
Food interactions
Herbal interactions
Pregnancy and breast-feeding cautions
FDA Pregnancy Risk Category B. Breast-feeding is compatible with this drug.
Buy Acyclovir online
Where can I buy Acyclovir without prescription?
Zovirax is a prescription drug that comes in 200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg tablets.
It is available on prescription only as tablets for oral use, but the online pharmacy, will sell generic zovirax without prescription.
You may be able to order Acyclovir from them online and save the local pharmacy markup.
Special information
If you plan to buy Zovirax online, you need to know that you must avoid sexual intercourse when visible lesions are present.
Do not exceed recommended dosage.
This drug may cause photosensitivity reaction (skin reaction related to sun exposure).
Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and wear sunscreen during therapy.
When using ointment, apply using a finger cot or glove.
What is Zovirax?
This drug inhibits viral reproduction by interfering with the production of DNA in the virus.
Brands & Classes
Brand name
Zovirax, Aclovir, Acivir, Zenclovir
Generic name
Chemical class
Acyclic purine nucleoside analog
Therapeutic class
Avail forms
Tablets - Oral 200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg.
Genital herpes: PO 200 mg q4h 5 x /day while awake for 10 days.
Genital herpes, intermittent therapy: 200 mg q4h 5x/day while awake for 5 days.
Genital herpes, suppressive therapy: 400 mg bid x 12 mos, then reevaluate need off drug; alternate regimens: 200 mg tid to 200 mg 5 x /day.
Herpes simplex encephalitis: IV 10 mg/kg over 1 hr q8h x 10 days.
Herpes zoster: PO 800 mg q4h 5 x /day x 7-10 days; IV 500 mg/m2 over 1 hr q8h.
Chicken pox: PO adults and children >40 kg: 800 mg qid for 5 days at the earliest sign or symptom. With immunosuppression IV 10 mg/kg over 1 h q8h x 10 days.
Renal failure: PO CrCl <10 ml/min/1.73 m2: give dose q12h.
Chicken pox: 2 yr and older: 20 mg/kg per dose qid (80 mg/kg/day), 5 days.